![]() 04/25/2017 at 20:00 • Filed to: driving, license, drivers license, discussion | ![]() | ![]() |
...that, really, should result in the revoking of one’s driver’s license?
Obviously, if you get “super drunk” (which !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! official terminology here in Michigan, BTW), go on a reckless rampage through town, and kill somebody, you can kiss your license goodbye.
But in your opinion, what is the most minor driving sin that one can commit, that (if you were in charge) would immediately result in the suspension or revocation of one’s driving privileges?
Would you keep it as an extreme measure, only to be applied to the very worst of the worst drivers out there? Or would you target drivers who exhibit signs that they lack the fundamental skills required for driving, and make them have to reapply for their license all over again BEFORE they hurt somebody?
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suspending a licences is harsh and can screw with their job and snowball from there. I’d had out mandatory driving class slips like candy on Halloween though.
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No headlights on in inclement weather. Doesn’t matter if it’s in the middle of the day, if it’s snowing or raining bad enough to use your wipers, turn your fucking headlights on!
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A combination of Age+Perception. Normally, old people are forbidden from driving when they are utterly and completely incapable from doing most things. I’d cut their driving privileges when they start to become a danger to others.
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Not knowing how to merge.
Driving slow and blocking traffic in left lane. Extra points for going under speed limit.
Not properly maintaining a safe automobile.
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I’d say that, in America, losing your license is a pretty severe problem. It could cause the person to easily lose their job, house, car, etc. I’d definitely leave it at “serious offenses” like being super drunk or being a frequently reckless driver.
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That should absolutely merit a ticket but that’s an insanely strict standard for revoking a license.
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Going slow in the passing lane.
Also another problem that happens when people’e license are suspended is that they just keep on driving. In GA about ten years ago a studio showed 1/3 of Georgians drive without a license and also 1/3 drive without insurance.....
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reckless driving......... its a wonderful catchall that is already in used to get you arrested on the spot, and also get your car impounded........... ask me how i know........
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Denting someone’s car in a parking lot with your door.
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Stopping while in a traffic circle/roundabout.
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The OP literally asked what’s the smallest offense.
I think that’s it. It shows a lack of awareness of your surroundings and a lack of care for others on the road at their ability to see you, even if your headlights don’t help yourself to see the road better.
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Right, the OP asked what the smallest offense that should result in license revocation is. And I said it’s insane to revoke someone’s license for this. I completely agree that it’s dumb and dangerous and a person should get a ticket for it. But lose their license? You can’t be serious.
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Failing to yield to an emergency vehicle should be automatic, because it 100% means you’re not paying enough attention.
Also, blocking the box. If you pull out into an intersection before there’s room for you and you block traffic, I actually think the correct penalty is death, but I guess losing your license is sufficient.
One time I was following a RIPTA bus and I actually watched this asshole, after the light turned red, pull out across the intersection to start his left turn. He made people in three directions sit there while he waited for the next light to turn green. That guy should be drawn and quartered.
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I 100% am. It’s indicative of being a shitty driver.
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Any type of action/driving that could cause someone to be permanently injured/maimed/crippled or dead. When your privelage of operating a motor vehicle interferes with anyone else’s right to life and well-being, you should not be allowed to drive.
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Honking your horn at someone in front of you at a light less than a second after it turns green. Not really a big enough offense to warrant losing your license, but if you do this you are a douchebag and deserve to suffer.
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Per my last post about my traffic hell today after being stuck on two blocks for 30 minutes because people were blocking the box, I endorse this wholeheartedly.
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For truckers with a CDL, getting in the left lane and dropping below the speed limit. When my average speed between two locations 120 miles apart with no cities in between is below 60, and the speed limit is 70 the entire way, something needs to be done. I have to make that drive sometimes 5 times a week, and EVERY!FUCKING!TIME! a piece of shit in a rig causes a two mile backup because he wants to do 68, not the 67.9 the guy in front of him was doing. Yes, I’m aware he would lose his/her job. They should.
Edit: More than one fatal accident has occurred 100% due to this issue.
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I saw drivers “Blocking the box” all freaking day when I lived in NYC. It happens here, but hardly ever.
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I have strong feelings about this.
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How do we define “slow”? 5 over, 10 over?
I think someone should lose their license for regularly (as in, pulled over for it several times) driving in the passing lane. The only time driving in the passing lane is okay (imo, and it’s not a great reason) is when you intend to go considerably faster than all the other traffic for an extended period of time.
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Side note: Rumbler sirens should be required. Even in my 4Runner, which does not have a lot of sound deadening, it takes 3 car lengths for an ambulance to be heard. My hearing is fine, and I’ve never had this problem anywhere else. The ones here in South Carolina are queiter than car horns.
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those aren’t even bad by northeast standards.
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Having someone walk up and tap the hood of your car and say “Pop the hood, let’s see what she’s got.”
If I wanted you to see, I would be parked with the hood up.
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We’ve got some crazy loud sirens here. I hear a siren and I’m like a meerkat, head turning around every which way trying to find it only to realize it’s like 5 blocks behind me.
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These are damn near silent. It’s fucking rediculous. They had rumblers in Florida. You could feel them coming.
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It doesn’t matter the offense to me. If you do something illegal or wrong and you smile and wave thinking it’ll clear your record, no license for you. Go re-apply. Also, 2 times of this you’re never driving again.
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Also, blocking the box. We missed a whole greenlight in downtown Charleston due to a bus, you guessed it, running the light after coming to a complete stop, turning left.
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In all fairness, the day I took those photos, I don’t think it has snowed for three days.
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Lol moving into multiple places of traffic to make your left turn is the official Rhode Island vehicle maneuver.
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That and the elephant line: staying super close to the bumper of the car turning ahead of you so they can’t stop you from turning.
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People on the highway who drive in the left lane—passing lane—at the same speed as the car to the right.
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Oh so the fucker with a ice brick on his roof.
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Exactly. If at any point there’s a car behind you in the passing lane you get over.
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99% of drivers merge onto the freeway at 35-40 mph...they should all have their licenses revoked.
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Does it count if my DRL are on? But my car senses if the rain is really heavy and will turn the main beams on.
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Wait, no. Driving a Harley with your shitty music blaring. No dude, I don’t need to hear Free Bird at 2000 db, I get it, you’re a “Harley Guy”. Between the $5000 you spent on leather threads a punk rocker wouldn’t be caught dead in to the “beard is the only head protection I need” attitude I think you’ve done enough. No excuses. At least most stance guys are young, and can learn from their mistakes....
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Not unless it turns your taillights on.
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As a defense attorney, taking someone’s license does exactly zero to stop a bad driver from driving. They will still drive. Revoking or suspending licenses only stops otherwise law-abiding people, who mostly never get into this situation to begin with.
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Driving with an unsecured load.
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But your first statement was headlights on, if the DRLs are the headlights, it meets your requirements.
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!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
Any type of action/driving that could cause someone to be permanently injured/maimed/crippled or dead.
So, like driving? I think you’d need to be a bit more specific, as just getting behind the wheel
cause someone to be permanently dead.
![]() 04/25/2017 at 22:30 |
Well, if you want to be pedant, technically the car would have to be moving, as just sitting behind the steering wheel of a parked car is highly unlikely to kill someone.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 00:55 |
Gaahhhh that makes me so angry! I once cursed up a storm to a girl in my school parking lot because I almost slammed into her on the highway because I couldn’t see her at all
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Any driver that has a phone in hand while rolling at all should have their license revoked, distracted driving is my biggest pet peeve.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 06:46 |
What? DRLs != headlights.
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driving an auto
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On some cars, yes they are. They’re literally the same bulb.
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Which ones? Or are we talking about Canada’s regulations regarding running lights?
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Lots of GM’s, I’ve got a Stratus that does and I don’t think it’s a Canada car (though I’ve never actually looked into it), pretty sure most of the Japanese cars use the headlight bulbs to (pretty sure I’ve seen Hondas and Subarus), I’d have to take notice on my drive home for more specific examples.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 10:06 |
I agree with these people: When I come to power I will invoke suspensions and revocations for minor, annoying offences, with one caveat:
I had this as a shower thought the other day, actually. The problem with the idea of a driver’s licence as a privilege and not a right is in most US cities not being able to drive means not being able to get around, losing your job, and generally being unable to function. Public transit is terribad and unless you’re well off enough to take hired cars everywhere, you’re pretty well boned.
So, yes... take their licenses for braking on an on-ramp or driving with no tail-lights, but first build up a system that enables them to live without a car.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 10:23 |
Are you absolutely sure they’re headlight bulbs though? I only ask because the “running lights” (my Mazda3 is too old to have auto DRLs) on my car aren’t a strip of LED DRLs or anything, but the bulbs themselves are positioned right next to the my actual headlight bulbs, but they don’t give off the kind of light required for actual headlights, however they could easily be confused for having my headlights on if you’re another driver on the road passing me or something.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 11:51 |
Autobahn rules. If there is someone behind you, move the hell over.
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On my car, yes, on the others, no I’m not sure. It’s not uncommon though to run a lower voltage through the headlights, I’m pretty sure that’s how GM did it for years.
Wikipedia says that’s how Honda does it too.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 13:15 |
How do we define “slow”? 5 over, 10 over?
Don’t define it as “slow”. Define the offence as “being in the passing lane while not actually passing anyone”. That’s what the lane is for. Complete the pass, then move over. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow one is driving— just whether they are going faster than someone else.
![]() 05/02/2017 at 18:25 |
Oh, come on. It does not do “exactly zero.”